Ordering & Payment Methods:

  1. You may phone in your order during our office hours: Monday ~ Friday from 8:00am to 5:30pm (PST)
  2. You may also order by emailing us at orders@bagsandpouchesllc.com
  3. For your convenience, we gladly accept: Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX, and PayPal. You may also prepay your order with a check or money order made payable to: Bags and Pouches LLC.

    A split case order will be assessed an additional 20% on top of the current regular price.

Shipping Methods:
Bags and Pouches, depending on our customers needs ships via UPS, FedEx, and Trucking. Your shipping charges are based upon the weight of your shipment and location. Shipping and handling charges are not refundable. Items ordered together may be shipped separately.
Return Policy:
Returned items will not be accepted without prior authorization. Must be returned within 30 days from purchase. Customer must obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization. Return address location will be provided along with the RMA. Please note that there is a 20% restocking fee on all returned merchandise (30% on machines). Merchandise with customized valve location, tin tie application, and labeling service cannot be returned.